00012,48,12/26/81,WARD AND RANDY,ALL CBBS PHONE #S,NONE (Non-CBBS msg sys #'s in msgs 13-14) --> Newest changes first LOCATION ----PHONE---- * OPERATORS LAST-CONTACT Wash. DC (703) 734-1387 6 Terry Fox (Amrad) 12/26/81 Columbus O (614) 272-CBBS Ben Miller 12/26/81 Oregon (503) 646-5510 6 Jim & Bill 12/18/81 Sacramento (916) 483-8718 6 Joe Bergin 12/15/81 Baton Rouge(504) 273-3116 6 Joe McGuckin/ 11/21/81 Stan Brohn Atlanta (404) 394-4220 Atl.Comp.Soc. 09/06/81 Milwaukee (414) 241-8364 O "MAUDE" 07/25/81 CedarRapids(319) 364-0811 P Don Nelson 06/28/81 Vancouver (604) 687-2640 3 Steve Vinokuroff 05/17/81 Long Island(516) 561-6590 LICA Dave Minott 04/06/81 Pittsburgh (412) 822-7176 P.A.C.C. 02/14/81 Mpls MN (612) 869-5780 Doug Poole 02/13/81 Cambridge (617) 864-3819 Dave Mitton 09/24/80 (Fone number changing "soon" as of 7/20/81) Pasadena (213) 799-1632 M Dick Mead 11/12/80 This list came from: Chicago (312) 545-8086 1 Ward & Randy 12/26/81 (*): 1 is the system you are now on, programmed and implement- ed by Ward and Randy, Jan-Feb 1978. "CBBS" is the trademark for our system and software, as is "Computerized Bulletin Board System". P "Part time but feel free to call any time" 3 300 baud only. Steve's adding lots of goodies!! 6 Up to 600 baud, with PMMI O Is running under "Oasis" but is the same to the user as the CP/M versions. "MAUDE" is the "Milwaukee Area Utility for Digital Exchange". Maude is available on Chicago line, which "forwards" to Milwaukee. NOTE if it is busy, you are seeing "Milwaukee busy" and will be charged for a call to downtown Chicago: (312) 876-0974 6PM-730AM, 24hrs sat-sun As I recall, it supports 450 baud. PACC is the Pittsburgh Area Computer Club, their CBBS will "occasionally" be down for newsletter work, etc. LICA is the Long Island Computer Association. AMRAD is the Amateur Radio Research and Development Corp, A group of very active Hams/Computer hobbyists. H-E-L-P keep the list and status up to date. Full time, non-CBBS systems are in message 13, part time systems in message 14. 00013,47,12/26/81,WARD & RANDY,ALL OTHER MESSAGE SYS. PHONE #S,NONE Full time non-CBBS message systems: (part time ones in msg 14) Help keep these updated - <========= even just to say "still there as of mm/dd/yy" --> most recent mods first LOCATION ----PHONE---- TYPE OPERATORS LAST-CONTACT Ft Mill SC (803) 547-6576 RBBS Bill Taylor 12/26/81 Atlanta GA (404) 926-4318 NBBS Les Freed 12/26/81 Southfield MI(313)357-1422 ABBS Curt Deegan 10/28/81 Greensboro (919) 272-9286 ????? GTRUG 10/18/81 San Jose (408) 296-5799 8BBS#1 Bernard Klatt(down 9/81) Santee CA. (714) 443-8754 PMS #1 Bill Blue 07/31/81 Chicago (312) 622-4442 M81 Geo Matyaszek 07/25/81 Chicago (312) 338-8827 AIS Sidney Bratkovich 07/05/81 Palatine IL (312) 359-9450 PBBS** John Petrikas 05/17/81 Peoria IL (309) 697-2431 ABBS Greg Smith 04/12/81 Cranford NJ (201) 272-1874 Note-1 Bruce Ratoff 04/12/81 San Fran. (415) 863-4703 PCNET PCNET 03/27/81 Seattle (206) 723-DATA F-80 Bruce Murphy 01/16/81 ------------ GTRUG is the Greensboro TRS-80 Users Group. "?????" is in the system name because they just called it "homebrew". Requires a password (!!) "FREDSMITH" M81 is our abbreviation for "MESSAGE '81 OF CHICAGO" AIS Apple Information System ABBS Apple Bulletin Board System (See PMS #1 below) PMS #1 is Bill Blue's original system. He originated ABBS, (which is now being sold by "Peripherals Unlimited") but now runs the "Peoples Message System" (PMS) F-80 is a "FORUM-80", a TRS-80 programmed by Bill Abney. NBBS is an online Northstar, allowing BBS type operation as well as BASIC programs. Les Freed wrote this "pioneering" piece of software. PMMI accepts to 600. PBBS** Is is the "Public Bulletin Board System" (P.B.B.S.) which is running Les Freed's "NBBS" (above). Note-1 This is a remote CP/M system with many programs online for execution and modem transfer. Runs a small bulletin board system, too. ----> Call once, hang up after one ring, then call again. Note-2 Is a bulletin board system implemented on a single disk Northstar system, in assembler. Check out its clever ideas. ---- This info is here based on YOUR input. Let us know if a sys goes down, or a number is bad, or if it's part time and should be in message 14.