Acropolis Online Help FILE TRANSFERS March 1993 - by Fred Gotfredson December 1993 - Last revision by Ryan Gesler -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Acropolis File Transfers -------------------------- Most Boards with file transfers have a separate file transfer section. Acropolis, however, integrates file trasnfers right in the rooms along with the message base. For this reason, it is much different than other trasnfer systems you may have encountered. File transfers are located in "Directory Rooms". Directory rooms are indicated either by the directory room icon at the end of the roomname (the "]" icon), and also indicated in the room info. When in a directory room, you can see what files are in the directory by typing ead irectory. > Choosing your protocol ------------------------ Acropolis currently supports Xmodem, Ymodem, and Zmodem file transfers, with a variety of different options for each. The protocol and options you select depend mostly on the terminal program and the type of modem you are using. To choose your protocol, enter the nline parameters menu and select "Transfer Protocol". If you choose Zmodem, there are no other options to worry about so you can skip to the next section. If you choose Xmodem or Ymodem, you'll need to determine the packet size you would like to use. Generally, if you're using a slower modem or get a lot of line noise it's best to use a smaller packet size. If you're using a faster modem or get very few errors when online, a larger packet size will speed up the transfer. Next, you'll need to select any options you'd like to use. If your terminal program supports Binary ][ or ProDOS options, you should use one of those because it will preserve the actual filetype and file length during the transfer. If you don't have either of these options available, choose Standard. The protocol that you've selected here in the nline Parameters menu will be the one Acropolis uses when you do a ownload/pload ile, or a ownload atch. > Downloading (receiving files) ------------------------------- If you want to get a description of one of the files, just type ownload ile. You will be asked for a filename, and then you will see some stats for the file and a description of it. After the description, you will be asked if you would like to download the file. If the file looks interesting and you want to take the time to download it, simply answer es. Acropolis will then ask if you wish to terminate your call after the transfer. This will close your connection with Apple Seeds once the transfer is done, and is very convienent if you don't want to sit around waiting for the transfer to finish. Acropolis will then remind you of the protocol you've selected and will start sending the file. You should then tell your term program to start receiving. If you don't want to use the transfer protocol that you've selected in the nline parameters menu for a particular transfer, you can override it with the commands ownload modem ownload modem , or ownload modem . This will send the file with that protcol using the standard packet size for that protocol (128 byte checksum for Xmodem, 1k CRC for Ymodem). If you have selected, in the nline parameters menu, any batch protocol (that is, anything except Xmodem Standard or Xmodem ProDOS), you can download a batch (more than one) of files. To do this, simply go to around to the rooms with the files you want to download in the batch, and type add to atch with the file you want to add. Once you've added all the files, type ownload atch. Acropolis will then send all the files you've added to your batch. > Uploading (sending files) --------------------------- To upload a file to a directory, just type pload ile at the main prompt. You should then tell your terminal program to start sending files. Once the upload is finished, Acropolis will ask you to name the file if necessary, and have you enter a description of the file. If you've selected a Batch protocol you can also upload a batch (more than one) of files. Once the batch upload is finished, Acropolis will have you enter a description for each of the files you included in the batch. As in the Download section, you can also override your default protocol with a command like pload modem, pload modem, or pload modem. > Reading Textfiles ------------------- Acropolis has a feature that will type the contents of any ASCII text file to the screen. Be careful, though, that you don't accidentally choose an archive instead, because very often, they are saved as TXT format. When you type ead extfile, you will be asked which file to read. You can abort the displaying of the file at any time by pressing top. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\ /\ \ C R O P O L I S / \ \............... /====\ \ / \ \ Online Help