Here are three pictures full of ugly people - 1 - 2 - 3. Who are these enigmatic abnormalities, you ask? DDialers. DDial stands for Diversi-Dial, and was basically the first online chat system. It only ran on Apple IIe computers using 300 baud modems. Created in 1984 by Bill Basham, it quickly became a mecca for the misfits cast out by higher-ranking misfits. On DDials nationwide, you were able to find the lowest of the low in the online hierarchy. Not accepted by their family, friends, or even other BBSs, they would turn to DDial for their daily dose of awkward human interaction. DDial eventually died during the Internet-boom, and being the insipid little cyber-survivors they are, they created a DDial emulation client and still gather to talk to this day on the Internet, since they are banned by AOL/Yahoo chatroom misfits. History repeats itself, folks. The pictures I included are from a very recent gathering of these endangered mutants. You didn't think there was still a guy with a beat up Metallica shirt and feathered blonde hair? You didn't think there was an oriental guy still walking around in stone-washed denim jeans and a boxed haircut with a "Hello, My Name Is" sticker? You actually thought the guy with the mullet wearing a snakeskin tie was long gone? Look no further, fellow critics of human behavior. They all ended up on DDial, permanently stuck in 1988, forever doomed to reminisce about the glory they've convinced themselves they once had. - Styx of