( Hope this helps... by the way... my memory is that Joshua Thompson made FV but The Captain made METAL and they are not the same person... I believe that to be true.) --- Future Vision Variables Listing 01/23/94 Originally done by Joshua M. Thompson 12/28/93 Sten - added a LOT of information 01/10/94 Xevious - added a few comments This file will be completed with the RELEASE of Futurevision 4.1 1. Preface This document is a fairly complete listing of all variables and memory areas (including BIT/NIBBLE/etc areas) used by a "stock" Future Vision system. I have tried to make this as complete as possible; however, the sheer size of *FV*, and the tendancy to "make up" variables at times, make it difficult to insure a 100% accurate listing. [Note: As Josh is off the net for the forseeable future, someone has to keep things rolling, so, having been asked to undertake this (in order to stay out of someone's hair who shall remain nameless (Xevious) so they can finish *FV* v4.1 (Xevious)), I am attempting it. If you find any errors, notify me at the address(es) at the end.] [Suggested use: Use ProTERM editor and OA+L to locate the varible you are looking for.] (comments) [My notes] ( ,1) = The space can be a varible or a value (i.e., (x,1) or (1,1)) {file used/pointed to} 2. Allocated Memory Areas At startup time, Future Vision executes a DEALLOCATE(0) command to free any allocated memory areas, so don't expect any areas beyond the ones described here to survive a system restart! Memory areaSizeDescription ----------- --------------- memarea(1)1024 bytes This is the Future Vision temporary memory buffer. STARTUP.S sets the variable TEMP to point to this area at startup time. Note that this buffer is _very_ temporary; many calls in STND.SUBS and various toolbox calls will trash this area! memarea(2)???? bytes???? memarea(3)1024 bytes Temporary storage area for the FutureNET network kernel. It is allocated by the NET_BootInit call, and the variable NTMP will point to this area. Do _not_ use this area -- it is reserved for the network. memarea(4)2560 bytes Holds conference host IDs and flags for the Conferencing Manager. WORD1, WORD2, ADDR1, and ADDR2 point into this area, which is allocated by CONF_Startup and deallocated by CONF_Shutdown. memarea(127)512 bytes This area holds the binary stats for the currently logged in user. STARTUP.S sets the variable RAM to point to this area at startup time. 3. System Parameters - Varibles used throughout the IEBS to control user access and the functioning of the BBS. a. Bit Area 0 (Maint2) {2/bit.defs} Bit area 0 holds the security flags for the currently logged in user. [Those not defined are user definable to suit your tastes. Those that ARE ] [defined are used by *FV* IEBS as currently written! Be careful if you change] [anything, either here or in your IEBS! ] bit(0) = Validated Access bit(1) = Standard Access bit(2) = Xfer access bit(3) = User shell access bit(20) = Free Downloads (Moses v4.5+) bit(30) = Metal User bit(31) = Metal ML DevilOp bit(32) = *FV* DevilOp bit(33) = FV5 Code Show bit(36) = FVNet Access bit(37) = InterNet Access bit(48) = Network Manager bit(49) = On Vacation bit(50) = CR+LF enabled bit(51) = Page pausing enabled bit(52) = expert mode enabled bit(53) = glitter mode enabled bit(54) = EDITOR:"hot dot" enabled bit(55) = EDITOR:word wrap enabled bit(56) = EDITOR:prompting enabled bit(57) = Short-form network addressing option (1 = yes, 0 = no) bit(58) = Show directory after (J)umping in the xfers bit(59) = Clear screen before a directory listing in the xfers bit(60) = Login quotes enabled bit(61) = signatures on mail enabled bit(62) = signatures on posts enabled bit(63) = Supress long lines b. Personal BBS Setup varibles (Maint2) {2/bbs.pers.setup|2/bbs.per.names} These varibles can be defined and used as you like. Note: You must edit your c bbi(0)=Can't access that <- Sysop/Programmer defined (Z, Maint2) (In your ieb): if bbi(0)=1 print "You can't access that":return These are basically an expansion on the bit values (above) allowing you more flexability on what you want your bbs to do, or when writing your own IEBs. bbi(0) -to- bbi(63) c. System Setup varibles (Maint2) {2/System.Setup} ssi(0) = Event Manager active ssi(16) = Log system callers ssi(1) = Remote maintenance allowed ssi(17) = Log daily callers ssi(2) = Allow non-staff users to log in ssi(18) = Log "hack-in attempts" ssi(3) = Accept new users ssi(19) = Log new users ssi(4) = Always execute daily events ssi(20) = Log network connects ssi(5) = Wait Screen Blanker ssi(21) = Log uploads/downloads ssi(6) = Use RAMdisk ssi(22) = Log system crashs ssi(7) = Using AppleShare ssi(23) = Log net scripts ssi(8) = Help files on ssi(24) = Log carrier drops ssi(9) = Keywords activated ssi(25) = Put network calls in logs ssi(10) = Use OTHER instead of *FV* Xfer ssi(26) = Log Remote Filing Manager ssi(11) = Modem off hook on local login ssi(27) = Generate daily reports ssi(12) = Disable User Shell ssi(28) = Log Email letters ssi(13) = Only update stats on user logoff ssi(29) = Log Conf Subscriptions ssi(14) = Run Network Scriptor after Host ssi(30) = [Reserved] ssi(15) = Prevent certified mail to user #1 ssi(31) = [Reserved] {Mostly *FV*.Xev} \|/ ssi(32) = Posting defaults to [Y]es ssi(48) = GORP available ssi(33) = Staff logons skip to Mail Check ssi(49) = Graffiti Wall Available ssi(34) = Handle NetDataOut at user logoff ssi(50) = Network OFF ssi(35) = "Write To Network?" on staff post ssi(51) = Feedback OFF ssi(36) = Force users to Vote on Login ssi(52) = Remind to vote ssi(37) = Allow access to MsgBase File Dump ssi(53) = Admin Members ON ssi(38) = Skip "You're at the top menu" ssi(54) = Short Ref Strings ON ssi(39) = Ask for posts if no new messages ssi(55) = Anon Posts = no user id# ssi(40) = Skip over Network News @ Login ssi(56) = Keep Outgoing msgs logged ssi(41) = Skip over Birthday Note @ Login ssi(57) = Close the msg bases ssi(42) = Skip over Auto Msg @ Login ssi(58) = Close the xfers ssi(43) = Disable users writing Auto Msg ssi(59) = ProByte installed ssi(44) = Generate random Quote @ Login ssi(60) = Exodus installed ssi(45) = Keep Net Sites in memory ssi(61) = [Reserved] ssi(46) = [Reserved] ssi(62) = [Reserved] ssi(47) = [Reserved] ssi(63) = [Reserved] d. System Statistics {2/daily.stats|2/overall.stats} stat$(0,0) = Current Date stat$(0,1) = Date bbs first started/was reset stat$(1,0) = Idle Time (24 hrs) stat$(1,1) = Idle Time (total) stat$(2,0) = Online Time (24 hrs) stat$(2,1) = Online Time (total) Daily: Overall: stat(0,0) = New Users stat(0,1) = Total # of Users stat(1,0) = [Reserved] stat(1,1) = [Reserved] stat(2,0) = [Reserved] stat(2,1) = [Reserved] stat(3,0) = # of calls +1 stat(3,1) = Total # of calls stat(4,0) = # of 300 baud calls stat(4,1) = Total # of 300 baud calls stat(5,0) = # of 1200 baud calls stat(5,1) = Total # of 1200 baud calls stat(6,0) = # of 2400 baud calls stat(6,1) = Total # of 2400 baud calls stat(7,0) = # of Net calls (in) stat(7,1) = Total # of Net calls (in) stat(8,0) = # of 9600 baud calls stat(8,1) = Total # of 9600 baud calls stat(9,0) = # of 19.2 baud calls stat(9,1) = Total # of 19.2 baud calls stat(10,0)= # of messages posted stat(10,1)= Total # of messages posted stat(11,0)= # of bytes posted stat(11,1)= Total # of bytes posted stat(12,0)= # of Uploads stat(12,1)= Total # of uploads stat(13,0)= # of blocks uploaded stat(13,1)= Total # of blocks uploaded stat(14,0)= # of Downloads stat(14,1)= Total # of downloads stat(15,0)= # of blocks downloaded stat(15,1)= Total # of blocks downloaded stat(16,0)= stat(16,1)= stat(17,0)= stat(17,1)= stat(18,0)= stat(18,1)= stat(19,0)= stat(19,1)= stat(20,0)= stat(20,1)= e. Sysinfo (SYStemINFOrmation - READ ONLY values) sysinfo(1) = Returns ASCII code of last key hit (2) = Returns ASCII value of key that caused output to stop (3) = Returns back the number of keys in the input buffer (4) = Local Sysop Mode flag (5) = Counts number of System Errors since Metal.System was booted. (6) = Stores the 'chat' value {0/metal.config} OA+0 will set sysinfo(6) to 0 (Off; Allows chat) OA+9 will set sysinfo(6) to 255 (On; No chat) (7) = bit7 (128) of sysinfo(6) (OA+1=1/OA+!=0) (8) = bit6 ( 64) of sysinfo(6) (OA+2=1/OA+@=0) (9) = bit5 ( 32) of sysinfo(6) (OA+3=1/OA+#=0) (10) = bit4 ( 16) of sysinfo(6) (OA+4=1/OA+$=0) (11) = bit3 ( 8) of sysinfo(6) (OA+5=1/OA+%=0) (12) = bit2 ( 4) of sysinfo(6) (OA+6=1/OA+^=0) (13) = bit1 ( 2) of sysinfo(6) (OA+7=1/OA+&=0) (14) = bit0 ( 1) of sysinfo(6) (OA+8=1/OA+*=0) sysinfo$ is an extention of the sysinfo command. Instead of returning a number value, it returns a string. sysinfo$(1) = Returns the last key hit in string format; no case conversion sysinfo$(2) = Returns the key that caused the output to stop sysinfo$(3) = Returns the version of Metal being run sysinfo$(4) = Returns the current CIB file being run (useful to find problems) 4. Varibles (Alphabetical Listing) - All varibles can be from one to four characters in length. Anything over four characters is chopped to four by Metal. (gripe$ becomes grip$; eatme becomes eatm, etc.) Read the docs for more information or if something isn't listed. a. Varible strings: a$ to zzzz$ - "Throwaway" varilbles; can be used anywhere for anything. Except as already defined, the sysop/programmer has available a great number of varible strings to use when programming/modding. [if i$="G" print "Yes, I do.":i$="" <-Simple syntax/zeroing] abrt$ = Abort string (" ") abort$ = Same as above area$ = Message Base areas astr$ = Asteriks string ("** ") babl$ = string of additional address to process badw$ = Used by the Profanity Filter baud$ = str$(baud), i.e., the string value of the baud varible. bd$ = Site's maximum baud rate (Shouldn't be greater than 9600 at this time) brdm$ = Name of subboard manager brdn$ = Subboard name (Conference name on bbs, may not match Conf.List title) brdp$ = Subboard directory. *NOT* name of storage file {1/msg.base.s} brdp$ = pathname of destination mailbox file, if one exists {1/email.s} chr$( ) = returns a 1 char string (ascii char for the #) (chr$(32) = space) ci$ = Full pathname of channel info file {4/channel.info} cm$ = Full pathname of channel map file {4/channel.map} cmnd$ = Command string (usually sent to an entry point to tell IEB what to do) cr$ = RETURN string (chr$(13)) dan$ = To (whom$+@+ea$ -or- str$(whom)+@+ea$) date$ = The current date datp$ = Date posted in the form "MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS ZONE" day$(1) to (7) = Day of the week string dist$ = Distribution string dir$ = Directory name in "4/SITES/" (dir$="4/sites/") dp$ = Mailbox path for destination program ea$ = Site email address edd$ = destination file for the editor {9/editor} eds$ = {file called (source file) to be loaded into the editor} edit$ = Can be used by programmer, along with edit$(0), edit$(5 to ?) edit$(1) = Reads or Sets tab line for editor. (79 chars long) edit$(2) = Either uses the current filename to load or sets filename to load (cursource$=edit$(2) -or- edit$(2)=filename$ <-if null, blank editor) edit$(3) = Either returns current filename to save to or sets filename to save (curfilename$=edit$(3) -or- edit$(3)=filename$<-if null, not saved) edit$(4) = String to print while file is being saved emu$( ,0) = Name of emulation {2/emulations} emu$( ,1) = Actual Map name {0/*.MAP} esc$ = ESCape string (chr$(27)) event$(x,0) = The time of event #x in the primary queue event$(x,1) = The days string of event #x in the primary queue event$(x,2) = The program name of event #x in the primary queue event$(x,3) = The parameter for event #x in the primary queue event$(x,4) = The event's "must be executed" flag in the primary queue event$(x,5) = Date validation string used to handle events skipped over evt2$(x,0) = The time of event #x in the daily queue evt2$(x,1) = The days string of event #x in the daily queue evt2$(x,2) = The program name of event #x in the daily queue evt2$(x,3) = The parameter for event #x in the daily queue evt2$(x,4) = The event's "must be executed" flag in the daily queue evt2$(x,5) = Date validation string used to handle events skipped over f$ = Filename string ff$ = Filename string fm$ = FileMail filename pathname from$ = Name of person who sent a letter (handle/alias) gm$( ,0) = Menu command key for the Games Subroutine {2/game.data} gm$( ,1) = Menu Title for the Games Subroutine {2/game.data} gm$( ,2) = The run IEB (.S) for the game {2/game.data} gm$( ,3) = The global entry lable for gm$( ,2) {2/game.data} gm$( ,4) = Whether or not the game is Active or Inactive {2/game.data} gripe$ = # of gripes in gripe file. {5/logon.probs} id$ = Name of site ipass$ = Site's call-in password (password it uses when calling us) lc$ = Last Caller string lit$ = Login date + time mail$ = returns the number of letters in the defined user's mailbox map$ = Filename of map file to use (network) mbuf$ = Email temporary buffer file {9/email.buffer} mfn$(1)="8/moses.setup" ! controling info for Moses mfn$(2)="8/moses.areas" ! transfer areas access listing mfn$(3)="8/moses.devices" ! free space devices datafile mfn$(4)="8/moses.topup" ! top 10 uploaders mfn$(5)="8/moses.topdown" ! top 10 downloaders mfn$(10)="8/moses.dirdata" ! area zero directory data mfn$(11)="8/moses.where" ! area zero where-it-at tfile mfn$(12)="8/moses.wants" ! area zero requests/wants file mfn$(13)="8/moses.uploads" ! area zero upload log file mfn$(14)="8/moses.dnloads" ! area zero *download* log file mfn$(15)="8/moses.bindata" ! area zero interlaced directory data mgid$ = Message ID string mnth$(1) to (12) = Month string modem$ = Used to send a string to the modem driver/modem. netm$ = Name of network manager nevn$ = See nevnt$ nevnt$ = Time of next event to execute or "00:00" if none newp$ = New User Password string newu$ = # of new user applications ni$ = Full pathname of global network input file {4/net.data.in} no$ = Full pathname of global network output file {4/net.data.out} null$ = Null string (chr$(0)) opass$ = Site's call out password (password we use when calling it) ph$ = Site's phone number prefix$ = Read current ProDOS prefix or define a new one priv$ = (Usually) the name of the current privilegs file priv$(x,0) = Pathnames of entries in current privileges file refr$ = Reference string repy$ = Reply to string san$ = Handle/Alias@siteaddress (from$+ea$) si$ = Full pathname of site's network data input (recv) file snm$( ) = Names of defined Moses Areas (0 to # of defined areas; 0 is defined) so$ = Full pathname of site's network data output (send) file src$ = Source ID string ss$ = Name of site corresponding to the variable SS sw$ = Full pathname of a site's work directory staff$( ,1) = Handle/Alias of staff member staff$( ,2) = Title of staff member status$ = Status of letter as ASCII text subj$ = Subject line (messages/mail) sysn$ = System Name string sysp$ = System Password string time$ = current time or build a time string from a clock command type$ = Site's system type ("FV3", etc) uorg$ = Organization string usr$(0) = Real name usr$(1) = Handle usr$(2) = Password usr$(3) = Address usr$(4) = City usr$(5) = State usr$(6) = Phone usr$(7) = Sex usr$(8) = Birthdate usr$(9) = Computer type usr$(10) = Last call date/time usr$(11) = Last News usr$(12) = Last Net usr$(13) = Last xfer date [NOT DATE/TIME!] usr$(14) = Status usr$(15) = User's zip code or postal code [Currently NOT used(?)] vid$ = Read current video driver loaded or load new one. vid$(1) = The page pause prompt string whom$ = Destination user name (handle/alias) yn$(0) = No yn$(1) = Yes zone$ = Time zone string (EST/CST/MST/PST) b. Varible values: a to zzzz - "Throwaway" varibles; can be used anywhere for anything. Except as already defined, the sysop/programmer has available a great number of varibles to assign values to when programming or modding. [if a=1 return:else goto xyz1:a=0 <-Simple syntax/zeroing] access = Access granted flag (1=Yes, 0=No) addr(0) = post counter (# read by user) addr(1) = bytes posted addr(10) = blocks uploaded addr(11) = blocks downloaded area( ) = Message Base Areas (0 to total # defined) babl = 1 = Build Address Bulk List flag (BABL$ valid and should be used) baud = Current connection baud rate (read only; modem(2)) bltn = Letter number in mailbox to update {1/email.s} brdm = User number of subboard manager brdn = Value of the subboard to set on entering the Conference Area (1) brds = # of subboards (conferences) in area(0) (all areas, i.e., total #) bn = Value of the subboard to set on entering Conferences via Quickscan (1) byte(0) = minutes allowed per call byte(1) = minutes allowed per day byte(2) = minutes spent online today byte(3) = number of nulls to send after a CR byte(4) = lines per page byte(5) = terminal emulation number byte(10) = protocol in xfers ch = Channel number chtyp = Channel subtype of this block clock = System value/varible-read in seconds only(60=1min/3600=1hr/86400=24hrs) clock(0) = update time display in upper rt hand corner of screen (hardly used) clock(1) = (timer,option) Reset timer 1. Cannot be read or equated to. clock(1,1) = ^^ How long, in seconds, since the timer was reset. Read only. clock(1,2) = ^^ Set or check time remaining in counter. Write & Read. clock(2) = (timer,option) Reset timer 2. Cannot be read or equated to. clock(2,1) = ^^ How long, in seconds, since the timer was reset. Read only. clock(2,2) = ^^ Set or check time remaining in counter. Write & Read. clock(3) = (timer,option) Reset timer 3. Cannot be read or equated to. clock(3,1) = ^^ How long, in seconds, since the timer was reset. Read only. clock(3,2) = ^^ Set or check time remaining in counter. Write & Read. clock(4) = (timer,option) Reset timer 4. Cannot be read or equated to. clock(4,1) = ^^ How long, in seconds, since the timer was reset. Read only. clock(4,2) = ^^ Set or check time remaining in counter. Write & Read. clock(5) = Used in GET and INPUT subroutines. (Trap Clock(5) goto TimeOut) Does not need resetting, as it is reset upon key press. clock(5,1) = # of seconds since a key was pressed. Read only. clock(5,2) = # of seconds user has to press a key. Write & Read cost = The total cost of this route in cents per kilobyte dest = Number of destinations dest( ) = Destination site number. If this is zero, then the following are used instead: dest(x,0) = Number of hops in custom route. dest(x,y) = Custom route, where y goes from 0 to DEST(x,0). The custom route must start at the source and end at the destination; therefore, there are always at least two sites on the route. dp = Destination program number d = Destination site ID ds = Destination site number edit(1) = Put user into editor = 1 = Line Editor = 2 = FullScreen Editor edit(2) = Read only; # of lines in editor buffer edit(3) = Read only; editor error code = 0 = No error, file was saved correctly = 1 = User aborted, nothing saved = 2 = User attempted to save empty editor file = 3 = file was not saved to disk; edit$(3) value wasn't set up = 4 = file was not saved to disk correctly; ProDOS error edit(4) = Current justification mode = 0 = No justification = 1 = Left justification = 2 = Right justification = 3 = Center justification edit(5) = Current Hot Dot mode = 0 = Off = 1 = On edit(6) = Current Word Break mode = 0 = Off = 1 = On edit(7) = Current Prompting mode (Line editor only) = 0 = Off = 1 = On edit(8) = Outfile control (how editor is saved) = 0 = Save normally, will overwrite existing file (See edit$(3)) = 1 = create, w/error. Will error if edit$(3) file exists = 2 = append to existing edit$(3) (if file exists) edit(12)= Allow PTSE use in the editor (defaults to staff only) edit(13)= Allow inverse in the editor (defaults to staff only) emu = Current Emulation (points to map) {2/emulations} emu( ,2) = {2/emulations} emu( ,3) = {2/emulaitons} err = Error Code (global system varible) evnts = The number of events in the primary queue evt2 = The number of events in the daily queue evt2(x,5) = main event # of this sub-event record (used for skipper) fmms = FileMail max size frm = # of form letters defined from = User number of person who sent a letter hop = Next hop site number hops = The number of hops required to get there hsdd = Host default timeout hsof = Host default flags lines = Number of lines in the header maon = Mail file counter mask = Access mask. The available privileges for the specified directory are bitwise ANDed with this mask, and if the result doesn't equal the mask, then access is not granted. modem = Set up or read what the modem is doing modem(1) = Modem state - Write & Read value = 0 = Reset modem = 1 = Hang up and disconnect modem = 2 = Auto answer on next call = 3 = Have modem generate carrier = 4 = Take modem off hook {result} = 0 through 4 = last state executed = 5 = Modem has good connection; is now online. = 6 = Modem has lost carrier (or OA+D was detected) =-1 = Modem driver is busy (Not used much; see modem(1)=5) modem(2) = Baud rate - Read only value (baud=modem(2)) modem(3) = Nulls sent - Read & Write value modem(4) = LF added to CR - Read & Write value modem(5) = Modem Carrier signal check - Read only value modem(6) = Modem Result code - Read only value msg = File channel to read from msgid = ID # of message msid = msgid counter ndev = Total number of devices (drives) defined for use by Moses netm = User number of the network manager nevnt = Next event to execute (index into daily queue). Zero if none nibble(0) = calls allowed per day nibble(1) = calls made today nibble(2) = Editor justification mode nibble(3) = Editor type nlrp = Net Last Read Position nsec = Total number of Moses Areas-1 (First area is always defined) ntmp = (N)etwork (TEMP)orary area ourid = Site ID of the bbs (Global system varible) Do not modify!! parm( ) = Subboard parameters (0) = New message value (1) = Autokill value (2) = Anoymous posting (yes/no) (3) = Maximum # of messages (4) = Net conference number (5) through (9) = priv = Number of entries in current privileges file priv(x,1) = Access settings for entries in current privileges file priv(x,2) = Reserved fields for entries in current privileges file saf( ) = flag necessary for a user to access this Moses Area (0 to # of areas) scdd = Scriptor default timeout scof = Scriptor default flags sites = Number of sites in the 4/net.sites file. The network manager reads this value at startup time and modifies it if necessary when you make a net_writesite call. Do not modify this value!! size = Size of block in bytes src = Source site ID of this block ss = Source site ID of a letter ssf( ) = staff level to access Moses Area; if set. Default=All Users (See saf) staff( ,0) = User # of staff member (1 to # of Staff Members)-| staff( ,3) = Staff level access of staff member (1, 2, or 3) -|/ staff( ,4) = Site ID of staff member (left blank for now - not in use) stfm = # of Staff Members (x=1 to stfm [last in list]) status = Status code / subtype of a letter +0 : \ +1 : | Letter type (0=nrml, 1=sys notice, 2=email notice, 3=telegram) +2 : / +3 : Read? (0=not read, 1=already read) +4 : Certified? (0=not certified/receipt already sent, 1=certified) +5 : Forwarded? (0=not forwarded, 1=forwarded) +6 : FileMail Letter? (0=no, 1=yes) +7 : \ +8 : | Reserved, set to 0 for future compatibility +9 : / +10 : Marked for deletion (0=no, 1=yes) +11 : Format flag (0=old format [+0 thru +7 is old code], 1=new format) sz1 = bytes to SEND sz2 = bytes to RECEIVE user = account number usr = Source user # of this block vid(1) = Width of screen (default is 80 columns) vid(2) = Bottom line of screen plus one (default is 24 lines) vid(3) = Left column of the screen (default is 0) vid(4) = Top line of the screen vid(5) = AutoPos flag {0/metal.config,AUTOPOS=} = 0 = print at(x,y)'s are not converted into emulation codes. = 1 = print at(x,y)'s are converted into emulation codes. vid(6) = Local Emulation flag = 0 = local (and some remote) emulation handled normally = 1 = all emulation codes are ignored = 2 = all control codes are displayed in inverse (local screen only) vid(7) = Video character of the local cursor {0/metal.config,CURSOR=< >} vid(8) = Scroll Lock flag = 0 = normal scroll = 1 = no local scrolling of the screen vid(9) = Cursor Track flag (for local cursor display) 0=local cursor OFF vid(10) = Sound On/Off flag (0=local sound off/1=local sound on ) vid(11) = Affects when the time display is updated (upper right hand corner) vid(12) = Also affects time display (see vid(11)) vid(13) = Makes the system beep and flash(<-GS only) once a second (Chat or ?) vid(14) = If it is on (1), then PAGE is displayed in status bar vid(15) = Auto Page Pausing = 0 = Pausing off = 1 = Pausing on, uses vid(16) and vid$(1) vid(16) = Number of lines per 'page' before pausing. whom = Destination user number word(0) = total calls made word(1) = posts made total word(10) = files uploaded word(11) = files downloaded word(12) = timeout in xfers ----------------- You can contact me at the following: BBS: TNG 619/966-0114 12-14.4k USR Dual Standard HST (*FV* Site #19) or from any BBS on the FutureNet/InterNet: FutureNet: InterNet: CompuServe: #1@#19 sten@next-gen.calif.fnet.org 73326,2407 Sten@#19 #1@next-gen.calif.fnet.org @next-gen.calif.fnet.org