This archive contains the following: ---- omni bbs.d81 - The original BBS diskette that new SYSOP's recieved omni extra programs.d81 - Downloaded content not included with the original omni bbs + menus omni sysop text.d81 - The documents that the sysop was supposed to read. They are typically just dumps of the network SYSOP threads. I found them impossible to go through, personally. About these disks ---- The omni 128 bbs.d81 is the generic disk that was delivered. This disk has no menus or anything. The downloadable content on the omni extra programs.d81 disk has all of the menus. These menus have not been altered from the orginals, either. The menus that were downloadable were from CMD's BBS and should be changed. There are usually four menus for each function: 40 column cg, 80 column cg, ANSI, and ASCI. The omni sysop text.d81 contains information abotu the system and the BBS's setup as well as how each overlay/program work together. These documents will help you program modules/doors/games for the BBS, too. What is not included here: ---- The system updates and the Games disks. These will be included when I can get a decent copy of them. These disks are over 10 years right now. If you are looking for something specific to Omni, please let me know. Chances are I can probably help you out. Cheers from Canada. Carl Reilly AKA: CBMGuy