C Host Shell v2.8a by John Wiegley NOTE: This is freeware, I don't care what you do with it. Notice: I take no responsibility whatsoever for anything that results from the direct or indirect use of this host program. The first thing you want to do is make the host directory (like "c:\host). Then under this make the directories EMAIL, and COMMENTS. It also might be easier if you made a batch file so you could run the host easily: host.bat: cd c:\host host That way you could run the host from anywhere within your system. The first after this is done, run SETUP.EXE, and Init the System with that command. This will create your SYSTEM.DAT and USERS.DAT files. Next, use the System Editor and define everything as it applies to your system. (NOTE: even though it will let you set for any comm port, the host only works on comm port 1). Next you will want to create yourself as the first user (This will be the Host Sysop.. the only thing he can do that other people can't, is view the user passwords). You will need to define your name, the log file (which would be a file under the \HOST directory), the initial protocol, and your password. In the logfile, we will define all the directories that the particular user can access. Example: USER1.LOG: c:\wares c:\c\* c:\text this example would give the user access to WARES, TEXT, and all directories under C including C. To do this to any directory just append "\*". Now you are ready to load the host and wait for the first call. The display you see will show the date and time, the passed time since THE LAST CALL, the total CALLS today (not total connects), and the chat status (whether you're available or not), and the user that is presently allowed access to the system (use "Everyone" to allow all users). The commands you have available from the Awaiting mode are A) send someone on your line an answer tone U) run the setup utilities T) enter test mode, so you don't have to have a user on the phone L) set user lock-out, so one user is the only one who can get on C) toggle the chat flag Q) quit the host, turn off the modem, and return to the host directory After a user calls, and connects (or after you enter test mode), it asks for the name, then the password, and then welcomes on the user. NOTE: the first things the user will see when logging on is Connect at ????. then the contents of WELCOME.TXT under the \HOST directory. Also note that during and after the call, it will automatically show the following files to the user: LOGON.TXT is view directly after WELCOME.TXT APASS.TXT (after password) is viewed directory after a correct password entry LOGOFF.TXT is view right after the user hangups through the H)angup command. After connecting, and viewing any mail if he has any, the user has the following options: D)irectory, and then entering a filter P)aging the sysop (if he has the chat flag on) V)iewing a file in the current directory (it will not allow viewing in other directorys no matter what the users access NOTE: access doesn't apply in the system shell) H)anging up correctly (either way will result in the same disconnect procedure, but using H views the LOGOFF.TXT file) X) changing the user protocol. This will not change the logon protocol. C) leaving a comment to the sysop. This will leave files under the \COMMENTS directory with the name COMMENT.### where ### is the number of the comment since COMMENT.000 R)eceive files under the current protocol S)end files under the current protocol. This accepts wildcards, and up to 20 file specifications. It will not allow files from other directories despite the access (even from the system shell) E)mail S)end to other users R)ead your mail again (if they missed it on logon) K)ill all your mail (this is the only way to do it) IF OUT OF SYSTEM SHELL: E)xamine other people's mail (to read someone else's mail) L)ook to see who has mail (scan users and report mailbox status) T)oday's callers tells the user who has been on before him on that day only. `) Enter the system shell. You have 2 tries before disconneting. NOTE: Almost every single thing the user does is recorded in the SYSTEM.LOG file under \HOST. The system shell has all of the above commands plus: userlist- displays all users, log file, default protocols, and passwords if you are user #1 new features in Email shell lets the remote use the system's dos. DO NOT RUN ANY APPLICATIONS THAT USE CURSOR POSITIONING. dos lets you use dos commands through the system, but not participate in then. NOTE: if you run a dos command that doesn't return, it never will until the host operator gets home and finishes it. exec Runs an application in Dos after quiting the host shutdown quits the host and turns off the modem During the users call, there will be a display at the top showing the name, log file, baud rate, and time on (which is updated after every single command the user makes, which means unless they make log messages, it should be accurate within 2 minutes). Also, in the SYSTEM.INI are some flags which you may need to change to run 9600 baud, or if you have a much faster system than I do. SYSTEM.INI looks like this: Everyone 1 10520 2 The Everyone is the user-lockout, the 1 is the chat-flag, the 8520 is a loop counter for the Press [Space]... pause at login. You may need to raise this if you have a 16 MHz or higher to allow users enough to time to press [Space]. And the 2 is the start_baud variable. Make it equal the following for your system: 0 = 19200 1 = 9600 2 = 2400 3 = 1200 4 = 300 And the last thing, it requires DSZ.COM.