Welcome to Mystic BBS Version 0.01! This is the first version of Mystic that has been released to the public. This code was written from scratch back in 1995 and hasn't been touched since then ... until now! IT IS NOT A HACK OF ANY CURRENT SOFTWARE! It may greatly resemble other software packages but only because they are excellent packages. My goal is to do what they have done, and go beyond what they have done! This version is very ugly and very incomplete, but something needed to be put together so it could be released into the public! This version is not meant for you to run your BBS on. This version has been released so I could get some ideas and suggestions on what needs to be done, and there is PLENTY that needs to be done! So please check it out and play around with it and give me some feedback. I plan on updating the software quite a bit in the future, especially if I get good feedback after it is out into the the Internet world... For latest versions and contacting the author, please check out the official Mystic BBS web page: web: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Horizon/9426/ email: mysticbbs@geocities.com Visit every few days because I plan on releasing updates fairly regularly!! ------------------------------------------------- SOME QUICK NOTES ON THE *NEXT* VERSION OF MYSTIC: ------------------------------------------------- So far, the next version of Mystic should have the following additions (plus much more not listed here): * QWK Offline mailing system * 100% of the strings will be available in the language editor * Many cosmetic changes/enhancements * Bug fixes! * FidoNet/Networked message bases (I might need someone to test this) * Time bank * User, message, and file base packer and sorter * Better documentation * More that I can't think of right now... --- Command lines supported by Mystic BBS: -L Local login -Nx Load node x Errorlevels returned by Mystic BBS: 0 Normal exit 1 Critical Error 255 (Q)uit from WFC menu was selected --- Sysop commands while a user is online: ALT-C Break into line chat mode ALT-E Edit the online user's account ALT-H Hangup on user ALT-J Shell to DOS ALT-S Break into split screen chat mode Up/Down keys add/subtract 1 minute from the users time. Page Up/Down hey add/subtract 5 minutes from the users time. Left/Right cursor keys are used to switch between status line displays, which includes reference screens listing all the online sysop commands. ----- Display files (xxx = .asc, or .ans): BIRTHDAY .XXX Displayed if the user calls on their birthday DOWNLOAD .XXX Displayed before "Filename:" prompt in a download EVENT .XXX Displayed if there is an upcomming system event FLAGx .XXX Displayed during login if user has flag x set FSHELP .XXX Displayed if user selects help in the full screen editor GROUPx .XXX Displayed after joining group x LOGOFF .XXX Displayed right before hanging up the caller LOGON1-9 .XXX Displayed in order after user successfully enters their PW NEWUSER .XXX Displayed before asking the user to continue as a new user NEWUSER1 .XXX Displayed after user answers yes to continue as a new user NOTIME .XXX Displayed when the user has no more time left. PRELOGON .XXX Displayed before the "login:" prompt SLxxx .XXX Displayed during login if user has security of xxx of higher TIMEOUT .XXX Displayed before dropping carrier for inactivity. UPLOAD .XXX Displayed before "filename:" prompt in an upload (this is might not be current - there may be more display files...) ----- ACS security commands: Fx User must have flag x Gx User must be in group x Nx User must be logged in on node number x Sx User must have security level of at least x ----- Display codes: ~BD Current Baud Rate ~BI User's Birthdate ~CL Clear Screen ~CR Carrage Return ~CS Number calls the user has made to the BBS ~CT Number of times that user has called today ~DK User's total downloaded K ~DL User's total # of downloads ~DT User's # of downloads today ~FB Current file base name ~FK User's total # of uploads in K ~FO Date the user first called ~FU User's total # of uploads ~G# Number of the user's selected group ~GN Name of the user's selected group ~KT User's total downloaded K today ~LO Date the user last called ~MB Current message base name ~ND Current node number ~PA Pause Screen ~PO Temporarily disable screen pause ~SD Description of the users security level ~SL User's security level ~TL User's time left ~TO Number of minutes the user has been online this session. ~UA User's street address ~UC User's city & state ~UD User's data phone number ~UG User's Gender ~UH User's handle ~UN User's real name ~UP User's home phone number ~UZ User's postal code ~VR Mystic BBS Version Number ~&1..&4 Used in various prompts. See ENGLISH.TXT for more info. ~$Rxx Justify code to the right xx spaces ~$Lxx Justify code to the left xx spaces ~$Cxx Justify code to the center xx spaces ----- Protocol MCI Codes: (used in protocol editor only) %1 ComPort %2 Baud Rate %3 Filename to send/receive --- DOOR MCI Codes: (used when running a door only) %1 ComPort %2 Baud Rate %3 Node number ARCHIVE MCI Codes: (used only in archive setup) %1 Filename to process %2 Files to pack/unpack %3 Temporary file path (where Mistic looks for FILE_ID.DIZ, etc) --- -------------------- SYSTEM MENU COMMANDS -------------------- NOTE: This list may not be up-to-date either. Also check \TEXT\MENUCMDS.ASC for another list which may be more up to date. General Menu Commands Sysop Menu Commands GH Terminate call *# Menu Editor GO Goto a new menu *F File Base Editor GP Page Sysop for Chat *M Message Base Editor GU List all users *U User Editor GD Display file *L Security Level Editor GG Change Group *S System Configuration GL Display last 10 callers *P Protocol Editor *G Group Editor *A Archive Editor Message Menu Commands File Menu Commands MA Message Area Change FA File Area Change MP Post a message FL List files in Area MR Read messages FU Upload a File MC Check for Email FD Download a file MW Send Email FE Edit Batch Queue MZ Set New Scan Bases F1 Mass Upload MN Scan for New Messages FN New File Scan Door commands Multi-Node Commands D- Run a door without a dropfile NA Set node action DD Run a door with DORINFO1.DEF NW List online users DG Run a door with DOOR.SYS NS Send msg to node NC Multi-node chat NR Read node messages ------------------ THANKS FOR CHECKING OUT MYSTIC BBS... Stay tuned to the web page for more updates and information on Mystic. Its not much now, but if there is an interest, it will definetly be developed onwards. '