How to use this manual This BBS program is unlike others that are out in the market for the Color Computer. Probably the reason you chose this BBS is because it is a powerful and elaborate system. I chose to write it this way since I like a powerful system compared to other simple bbs's, however they are also very easy to set up with little or no knowledge of the system. This BBS takes a different approach. It uses the more powerful OS9 operating system verses Disk Basic to take full advantage of the Color Computer's features not possible in Disk Basic. This bbs is also written on a more advanced level which means you can't just stick the disk in the drive and run the BBS right out of the package. This is because under the OS9 operating system people have different setups. The BBS must be told what you have and what you don't have. Also, this bbs can be customized more then others so there is obvoisly more things you have to do to get it running. I am not trying to discourage you from running this BBS, I am trying to tell you how you should approach this system. This manual and this BBS does assume you are familier with the OS9 operating system. i am not saying you must be an expert that does tons of assembly language programs as a way of having fun. I am just saying some basic knowledge of OS9 IS required. I cannot go into the basics of OS9 since that could eaisly double the size of the manual. You must know about disk formats, directory structures, working & execution directories and so on. I will try to make the setup as simple as possible but you may have to reffer to the OS9 manual, It does have some good information in it. Might be a good idea to pull out the OS9 Manual. The Best way to approach this manual is to read each section before doing anything. make sure you understand WHY you have to do it. If it says "make this directory on this disk" understand what you are doing. I can gaurentee you will have nothing but problems if you toss the manual aside and say "I can do this without a manual" or feel you MUST have it up and running in one hour. I am more then glad to help you in case of problems with the BBS, but if your problems are because you didn't read a section , or don't understand OS9 well enough, well you are wasting my time. This manual is set up more of a tutorial then a "hold in hand" type guide. Do not skip any section of the manual or you may miss important information. I am trying to make this manual as clear as possible but sometimes I do slip up and thats why this revision is being done. I guess now would be a good time to list the features of the BBS so you know what to expect. - Supports Multi-line with more then 1 RS232 pak. - Supports X/Y Modem for Uploads & downloads - Supports up to 6 message bases plus 1 Email base - Many library directories. (over 32,000) - Library files has full description of the file - SysOp can see what transacts and may type for user - Uses ACIAPAK driver instead of PEEK/POKE method - Allows macros to be used (doesn't drop characters) - utilizes BASIC09's file capabilities for fast I/O - Allows you to use your computer while the BBS runs - Utilizes an Enviorment file for easy customization - SysOp can control most functions such as: - how far a Newuser can go - Individual flags for each message base - Individual time allowed for each user - Self-cleaning message bases - Message base minimizes disk fragmentation - Adjustable number of messages for limited or active BBS systems - Credit system to help control users. - Profile of each user to see what he does Don't worry if you don't understand them all yet. This manual will explain them in more detail later on. However if you do not have the required hardware (such as an RS232 pak) you cannot run the BBS system. Also note that with a limited hardware setup you will be unable to open up all the features of the BBS. Later if you add onto the hardware you can simply add them. This BBS will operate correctly with more the 1 RS-232 pak however I have not tested the bbs with running 2 or more lines. If you do run it multi-line I can say it is unlikely to cause any problems. However I have not tested it since I lack the second phone line. If you do use it on more then 1 line I would appreciate if you would let me know how it works out. Currently APBBS V3.1 is being tested on two lines. So far the results are coming around. Version 3.2 will fully support multi-line usage. Improvements & Bug fixes for APBBS Verison 3.01.12 - Date Last on changed at Logoff (for wildcard search) - Library shows number of days since last login - added logout file for goodbye notes - Uploaded files of zero lenght deleted automatically - Shell Command in enviorment file - Profile added to BBS to keep track of user's records - Pause output non-destructive - Added textfile if newuser not allowed in BBS - Sysop flag overrides some BBS functions - Credit system available and SysOp definable - User's posts don't show as new on his next call - User information editor written - Call limits per day settable by the SysOp - User editor utilites incorporated for easy use - Unlimited time shows as "No Time Limit" and not null - Word-wrap in editor. can be disabled by user - Sig: newuser can read but not post - sysop selected - Message base editor. Sig allows for "deleted" messages - Can edit a user online without RBF record locking - User can view his complete Statistics - Library listings lined up for clarity - In sig user may view new message count as needed - Library files now have a level for security - Removed use of email.hdr file (slight catch to this one) - reply functions in both Email and Sig (about time) - Small bugs with CTRL-C being ignored is fixed - Sig now has "to" and "source" (requires conversion utility) - Message dates now include time of post - Sysop utilities read env.file for drive names - Combined mainmenus (sort of...looks combined. this is a trick) - Changed error messages for better taste (may be patched) - Hitting control keys locally doesn't crash the BBS - Wait resets the port to type=00 to prevent killoffs - Wait has an exit option (no need to KILL it) - Selecting #8 or #9 in Sig Select won't hang up - Added node # and proccess ID# for later use - New message read nonstop CTRL-C will abort it - Library listings CTRL-C Support - Hayes.txt file for hayes modems. Allows custom setups - Library supports OFFLINE & DELETED files properly Of course there are more but are too minor to list here. Thanks to the people who reported some of these since some functions of the BBS are untested. (I try to test everything but at times one or two things slip) So I want to stress that if you do find bugs PLEASE report them!!! I can't fix something I don't know about. In case your wondering about the stamina of the BBS I have been running mine without supervision (the BBS is at my home and i went away for school) so all the BBS functions are done remotely. I have so far a track record of five WEEKS without a crash. It would have gone longer since the crash was in the shell and not the BBS. This BBS is written in BASIC09 so it requires RunB to be in the CMDS directory for this to operate. There are a few bugs in the BBS which were NOT fixed for this version. These bugs are considered minor and are not threating to the BBS. The first one is in baud rate detection. If the user hangs up during the baud rate detection or the BBS knocks him off during the "Press (ENTER)" sequence it will give an ERROR #201 and reset. This is no big deal but if you see it ignore it. The other that I know of is the chat routine. This bug shows up if you don't answer the page and his name blinks. If you do chat with him after he pages you the name will continue to blink until he logs off and then resets the status screen. This is another one that is quite harmless and doesn't effect the BBS. You may not think of me not fixing these bugs as ignorance but all of these require a re-write of some code which would delay the BBS longer then I wish for such minor bugs. These will be fixed before the next revision or maybe even fixed by the time this is released. There is the possibility of downloading the fixes off my BBS if you want revisions faster. This will help speed up distribution since I have many "in-between" revisions which are posted on my BBS.