APBBS Version 3.01.12 Operating Manual Tandy Color Computer 3 OS9 Level II BBS System Manual Revison 1 Copyright (c) 1990 by Mike Guzzi System Requirements: - 256K or 512K Tandy Color Computer 3 - OS9 Level II System - Minimum of 2 Double Sided 40 track drives (many options not available with only 2 drives) - 80 column monitor (preferbaly RGB but Mono will do) - RS232 pak. This BBS will operate with up to 4 serial ports. The only restriction is it must be a 6551 type such as the RS or its 100% clones. LR Tech/Owl-ware superboard will NOT work. - Auto-Answer modem. support up to 2400 baud Extended Hayes reccomended but any auto-answer will do. - Joystick or mouse Suggested hardware: - Hard disk System (Strongly reccomended) - No-Halt floppy controller for floppy system - Extended Hayes modem - More then 1 RS232 pak. Suggested Software - Screen editor for textfiles (such as SLED, SSTAR, SCRED, DYNASTAR) - Printer for convience and for feedback Disclaimer & Copyright Notice. APBBS Version 3.01.12 is copyright (c) 1989 by Mike Guzzi. No part of this manual may be reproduced without written permission from me. You can only copy the disk for backup purposes only. I assume no responisbility for any damage be either software or hardware from use of this program. You are using this program AS-IS. Although if you follow the instructions in this manual there will be no damage caused by this program but I just want to state it to avoid problems. However if your disk is damaged please send it back for a replacement copy. The disk is not copy-protected so you can make backups for safe-keeping. If you have problems with the BBS please contact me. You may not alter the BBS or violate its integrity. If you make unauthorized modifications to this BBS is will render the update and support policy invalid. I cannot support the BBS if it has been altered without my knowledge. This applies to any of the program modules and drivers. If you make unauthorized modifications you may cause the BBS to destroy the drives. It can possibly damage all files stored on a floppy and/or hard drive. If you get an error "Incorrect module CRC" copy the module from the main disk. No BBS system is hacker-proof. You must realize that even though the possibilities of a user breaking into your system is very small, it is not 100% secure. Everyone who runs a BBS runs a small risk that this may happen. If this does occur please tell me how it happened (if possible) so I can fix it. Every problem with the BBS I have ever had at worst crashed the BBS but not the entire OS9 system so to re-start it was no problem. This however is rare. This BBS has no "Backdoors" in it to assure you the system is secure. Support Policies This program is far from complete. What I mean is although this BBS is a complete system I am always adding new things to it and making it better and of course fixing any bugs that show up. I stopped for now to make this release available for the public. The policy of updates is as follows. You are entitled to free updates for the first year after purchase. After 1 year you may get the updates provided you pay the postage which will run only about $1 or $2. This update policy will include manual revisions. If you find bugs in the program or have suggestions for improvements do not hesitate to let me know. The maual contains all the information to get in contact with me. Acknowledgments APBBS was written by myself, however when I started writing this bbs program I was still quite new at programming in BASIC09. I had many questions and problems that needed an answer. My personal thanks for help goes out to many people who belong to CompuServe's OS9 Fourm. Thanks to Wayne Day, Kevin Darling, Bill Brady, Chris Babcock, Bob Montowski, and Pete Lyall for all the answers to my questions and general help and suggestions. Their support on the OS9 fourm shows there is a place to go for help. This BBS program was running for over a year and a half now and the user's suggestions on The Astral Plane BBS also was a help in developing the BBS and fixing bugs. Thanks goes out to Jim Hollier, Author of the xym program which handles the uploads and downloads of the BBS. This program originally was designed as a host server but the bbs uses it for file transfers. Another special Thanks goes out to Thomas Kocourek. He is assisting in writing the BBS plus the online games sections.